Making the greatest impact to improved outcomes for people affected by breast cancer is the centrepiece of the Breast Cancer Trials (BCT) 2022-2026 Research Strategy.
Developed in consultation with leading breast cancer experts, researchers and patient advocates in Australia and New Zealand, the plan provides a framework for BCT clinical trials research over the next five years, which is consumer-centred and patient-driven.
Founded in 1978, BCT is the largest independent oncology clinical trials research charity in Australia and New Zealand, with a mission to conduct the highest quality clinical trials that improves outcomes for people affected by breast cancer.
The Research Strategy is a roadmap to fulfill this mission. It intends to facilitate opportunities for BCT to pursue research based on clinical need and consumer expectation, in line with its strengths in clinical trials research.
The strategy identifies research topics and methods that are likely to make the greatest impact to improvements in patient outcomes, ensures that BCT’s resources and the expertise of our research community are used optimally, and that BCT can proactively respond and adapt to future research opportunities and needs.
The research strategy has four main themes:

Conducting trials in the areas of greatest patient need and potential impact as identified in the consultation process

Broad collaboration with the right people and organisations, nationally and internationally

Remove barriers and enhance clinical trials participation

Learning the most from every trial
For more information on the Research Strategy on the BCT website, click here.