Breast Cancer Trials (BCT) has continued to pursue its strategic plan that involves the conduct of high-quality clinical trials, while preparing the organisation for the next phase of its development. This involves focusing on developing future generations of clinical trialists, working to expand the scope of the trials that we run and engaging with other groups.

Professor Bruce Mann is the BCT Director of Research.
We have many active trials, with two trials successfully completing accrual in this time period, others continuing to recruit, new trials being opened and a number of trials in development.
Research Strategy
We have finalised our Research Strategy which will guide our efforts over the next few years. This strategy was formulated with input from a variety of stakeholders, and strong contributions from our supporters.
The Strategy involves focusing on areas of greatest patient need and potential impact, working to broaden collaboration both nationally and internationally and removing barriers to enhance clinical trials participation. We also aim to learn as much as possible from each trial.
To implement the research strategy, we are defining what it is that we do well and to develop opportunities to continue to make progress in these areas, while identifying new research priorities. The range of possible areas of focus is large, and so it is critical that we assess opportunities according to the level of need, and the likelihood that we can make a significant impact.
SAC Re-Structure
A major re-structure of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) has been implemented. Dr Nick Zdenkowski was appointed as the new SAC Chair. Nick has long experience with BCT being Newcastle-based, a prior BCT fellow, and the long-term medical advisor.
A new SAC has been appointed, with an excellent mix of disciplines and experience, and includes a pathologist, a breast care nurse, two psychologists, CAP representatives and a basic scientist, in addition to medical, surgical and radiation oncologists.
As part of the initiative to broaden the scope of BCT research, a supportive care subgroup has been formed, led by Professor Fran Boyle, Professor Lisa Beatty and Associate Professor Lesley Stafford. There is great interest in supportive care research, both as parts of other trials and in its own right, with opportunities to engage in consumer-initiated trials.
Translational Research is another focus, with the BCT translational research (TR) subgroup advising on management of the BCT biobank and considering TR opportunities in all trials accepted for progression by the SAC. The next step is to develop the TR subgroup to explore the opportunities for BCT to become involved in the earlier translation of laboratory findings to clinical trials. This was a focus of presentations at the BCT strategy day in late 2022 and is an important part of our ambition.
Clinical Fellowship Program
The BCT Clinical Fellowship program was initiated in 2022 to encourage early career clinicians and scientists to devote time to research related to BCT activity. Five Fellows were appointed in fields of Pathology, Psychology, Medical Oncology, Pathology and Radiation Oncology. Feedback has been positive, and two of the Clinical Fellows from 2022 are continuing in 2023, and two new Fellowships in Surgery were awarded. This suggests that this scheme may be particularly useful in encouraging those in diverse fields who are interested in research to engage with BCT.
The first International Clinical Fellowship has been awarded to Dr Julia Dixon-Douglas to assist her take up a Clinical Trials Fellowship position in Paris. The aim is to assist promising junior researchers to gain international experience and connections.
Engagement With Other Organisations
An important strategic focus for BCT is the maintenance of existing links with organisations focused on breast cancer trials and the development and nurturing of new links.
The International Breast Cancer Study Group – IBCSG – remains a critical partner for BCT and our trial portfolio. We are well represented on the committees of IBCSG and have current trials and plans to participate in future IBCSG trials.
The Austrian Breast Cancer Study Group – ABCSG – is a group with which we worked closely during the PALLAS trial, where we recruited far more patients than we had promised. We are actively considering participation in their forthcoming CAMBRIA study.
BreastSurgANZ is the association of breast surgeons in Australia and New Zealand. We have helped organise a session on clinical trials in the breast section of the College of Surgeons’ conference in 2023. This will be an opportunity to further publicise the work of BCT and engage with breast surgeons.
The Japanese Clinical Oncology Group – JCOG-Breast – is a Japanese government-supported organisation with a similar mission to that of BCT. The relationship between BCT and JCOG-Breast continues to develop, with a delegation of Nick Zdenkowski, Steven David and Bruce Mann representing BCT, along with a delegation from the Korean Breast Cancer Study Group, attending the JCOG-Breast meeting in Tokyo in January 2023. The groups are working to identify specific opportunities for collaboration. A follow-up meeting has been held to continue to investigate and develop trial opportunities.
In summary, the research program of BCT is broad and vibrant and is well-placed to continue to make important contributions to improvements in breast cancer treatment.