Many individuals throughout Australia continue to give generously in response to our Appeals and as members of our Monthly Giving Program. Over the past year we welcomed many new supporters, gave thanks to our existing donors, and celebrated those who had reached a special milestone in their giving of 25 years. We are grateful to every supporter for their commitment to saving and improving the lives of people affected by breast cancer.
We also thank the many individuals and their families who shared their personal experience of breast cancer in our communications, like Theresa and Gemma.

Theresa pictured with two of her children.
Theresa’s diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer came just before Christmas 2021 when she was aged 41.
The shock gave way to fear when in the New Year, she was told it was triple negative breast cancer which can be more challenging to treat. Theresa endured months of chemotherapy and the side effects left her exhausted and unable to get out of bed. She was devastated she couldn’t be the mum she wanted to be for her children, the youngest were just aged three and six. Theresa said: “I’ve got two little ones. I’ve got a headstrong little girl who loves dancing. I’ve got a little boy who’s a sensitive, empathetic little soul. I’ve got a teenager who needs me. People say I’m brave. But inside, I don’t feel brave. I just want this breast cancer to go away. I just want everything to go back to normal.”
Theresa shared her story in our Tax Appeal which raised funds to support the NEON clinical trial. Developed by our researchers, this trial may result in some women with triple negative breast cancer being able to have a much shorter chemotherapy treatment and a better chance of survival.
Theresa, who lost her hair during chemotherapy treatment, is pictured here with her husband and children.
In our Christmas Appeal, Gemma pictured below, shared her diagnosis of breast cancer at the very young age of 27.
“Having to take in the diagnosis, the talk of surgery, chemotherapy, and the fact that we had to potentially pursue IVF to start a family – it was just overwhelming,” she explained. Gemma’s treatment included surgery to remove both her breasts, many months of chemotherapy and the drug Herceptin. She expressed her gratitude for the treatments available to her because of clinical trials and the people who participate in them, including receiving a drug which could protect her fertility which was identified through our research. To their delight, Gemma and her husband Troy fell pregnant naturally without needing to use her frozen eggs via IVF. Gemma says, “Our little Audrey is a miracle. I didn’t know if we would ever be able to have a family after having chemotherapy. We are so blessed to have her and I hope that one day, when she’s grown up, no woman in her generation will have to go through what I have.”
The Christmas Appeal raised funds to support more clinical trials research for younger women who face particular challenges when diagnosed with breast cancer. They are less likely to fit into the eligibility criteria for breast cancer screening, and therefore tend to be diagnosed later and miss out on the benefits of earlier diagnosis. And unfortunately, they are more likely to be diagnosed with an aggressive type of breast cancer. Our supporters responded generously and sent many messages of support to Gemma and other young women like her.

Gemma with her daughter Audrey.
Gemma pictured with her husband and when going through treatment.
We remember all those who have lost their lives to breast cancer this past year. Our sincere condolences go to the families of our supporters who sadly passed away during the year too, and we acknowledge all donations given in memory of loved ones.
The following individuals generously remembered BCT in their Will, and their legacy will help to advance research for the benefit of future generations.
The Late Audrey Farmer
The Late Robyn Garrard
The Late Margaret Hencz
The Late Betty Kohane
The Late Wilma Morrison
The Late Iris Nichols
The Late Margaret Richmond
The Late Allan Rowling
The Late Lynette Paley
The Late Shirley Healy
The Late Dorothy Tynan
The Late Vivienne Windsor
The Late Shelia Woodcock